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Renys Field Guide

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Common Plant Name - T

Choose a letter from the alphabet in the left column and a list of common plant names will be presented.
Names like Desert Aster are listed as Aster, Desert.

Click on a common plant name to see thumbnail images. Note, plants may have more than one common name according to the region in which it is found. Examples: Lily may be Tulip, Fairyslipper a Calypso Orchid, Delphinium a Larkspur....

Color & shape may be your next choice if you are unable to locate it by name.

• Tree, Unknown (4)
• Trefoil, Illinois Tick (2)
• Trillium, Common (6)
• Trillium, Painted (3)
• Trillium, Purple (2)
• Trillium, Sweet (4)
• Trillium, Western (14)
• Triteleia, Unknown (1)
• Troutlily (1)
• Tulip, Large Flowered Star (7)
• Tulip, Mt Diablo Globe (6)
• Tulip, Oakland Star (3)
• Tundra Plant, Unknown (2)
• Turtleback (1)
• Twayblade (2)
• Twinberry (1)
• Twinflower (4)
• Twisted Stalk (2)
• Twistedstalk, Clasping (2)

26 - 44 of 44 plants